Dear Contact Lens wearers… Here are the top 5 hazards of wearing contacts which you should know…

Approximately 168.5 million residents in the U.S. use some form of corrective devices such as eyeglasses or contact lenses. That’s over half of the population in America!  India’s contact lens market is also taking a steep upward trend and will continue to do so. According to the survey conducted by Bausch & Lomb, the top triggers for switching to contact lenses are consciousness about eye problems and for cosmetic reasons.
So the idea behind writing this blog is to make people aware about the pros and cons of contact lenses. Is it worth taking this risk ? 
We all know that excess of anything is harmful. You can use eyeglasses when you are at home, instead of wearing the lenses throughout the day. Never forget to remove your lens before going to bed.
While using the contact lenses, if ever you are getting the following symptoms, please consult your eye specialist immediately.
·         Discomfort
·         Excess tearing or discharge                                            
·         Light sensitivity
·         Itching/ burning                                           
·         Swelling, pain
·         Blurred vision
·         Redness

        As the day proceeds, eyes become more and more dry and irritable. Dry and dusty environment will aggravate this problem. Since lenses are snugly fitting on the cornea, it is deprived of the oxygen which reaches your eyes. Lots of factors are responsible for the problems like type of lenses used, frequency of changing lens, how long is it used at a stretch, the cleansing solution used etc.  “ Dirty hands are the biggest hazard!”

Investigators found 114 studies written in English or Spanish and published from 2003 to 2013 that referenced both contact lenses and computer use. They chose six studies for final analysis. All six revealed that contact lens wearers were more likely to have computer vision syndrome symptoms than individuals who wore eyeglasses only or did not need corrective lenses. Prevalence of symptoms ranged from 17 to 95 percent among contact lens wearers and 10 to 58 percent among non-wearers. Also, contact lens wearers were four times more likely to have dry eyes during or after computer use, compared with non-wearers.

Here are the Top 5 complications which all the contact lens users should be aware of:

1.      Awareness about the contact lens : This generally occurs if the diameter /base curve is not measured properly. Poor lens fit causes lens decentration which leads to awareness.       

2.        Contact lens induced acute red eyes (CLARE) could be tears, cracks or chips    especially with soft contact lenses which  damages cornea and causes conjunctivitis & keratitis. Poor lens care will cause lipid & proteins deposit over the lens which will again cause bacterial & fungal infections.  Conjunctivitis could also be due to intolerance to lens or due to preservatives used in the cleansing solution.

3.       Discomfort at the end of the day & burning sensation is due to increased dryness. Blinking rate tends to decrease with contact lenses further aggravating dryness.

4.       Corneal and conjunctival  problems – Superficial punctate keratitis (SPK) is the most common disorder with contact lenses caused mainly due to dryness. Cracked lens or trauma while inserting / removing the lens can cause mechanical injuries.

5.       Tight lens syndrome” – Sleeping with contact lens is a risky business. Overnight wearing of contact lenses can quadruple the risk of serious eye infections.

 Here are the 5 things your contact lenses wished they could tell you:
According to a survey from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly all respondents confessed to at least one contact lens behavior that's linked to eye infections.

  •  Don't Overwear Us - Bottom line: Be diligent about following your contact lens' recommended wear schedule and usage instructions.
  • We Don't Mix Well With Water - This is why you should never rinse or store your reusable contacts in water, and always use an appropriate contact lens solution.
  • Please, Please Clean Us – “And speaking of cleanliness, remember this mantra: contacts first, makeup second.” Keep Our Case Clean, Too - In fact, research suggests that proper case cleaning could cut the number of serious infections in half.
  •  Wear Contact Lenses First - It is best to insert the contact lenses in the eye first and then apply eye makeup. Refrain From Using Mass Forming Mascara and Powder Eye Make up.       
  Ready for Bed? Don't Forget to Remove Us!

Keep these tips in mind and visit your eye doctor regularly—usually once per year, if you wear contact lenses—and you can count on healthy contacts and healthy eyes.

To know more about Lasik (Laser vision correction) – to get rid of contact lenses, visit us at Vatsal eye care & Laser centre, Vasai west.

Book your appointment @
Contact details : +918451813423

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  1. Thanks for great information about Contact Lens. if you want to more details about Contact Lens then you can visit


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